This unit is responsible for counselling of students of Benson Idahosa
University. This is done in two phases:
Before the student gains admission… the university counsellor is
invited to address young secondary school leavers on career choice
and how they can make the right choice of universities that will help
them achieve their goal. They are given opportunity to ask question that
may help in making choices.
After admission to Benson Idahosa University Student in
The influence of the University Counselor is seen in educational, psychological, physiological and socio-personal study life of the student to achieve the goal of becoming a successful graduate. The counsellor works with students who come on their own or are referred by building curiosity and academic skills needed to be the best learner e.g individual study plan. A student’s academic strength and weakness is considered when in his or her 100 level may face challenges in certain courses and want to opt for another department due to low grades in some courses, financial challenges and due to time factor where such courses are.