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Culturable bacterial flora associated with clean catch midstream urine samples was
determined using pour plate procedure. The antibiogram profile of the characterized
bacterial cultures was evaluated using disc diffusion technique. The antibiotic discs
utilized were; Ciprofloxacin (CIP), Cloxacillin (OB), Ofloxacin (OFX), Erythromycin
(ERY), Caftazidime (CAZ), Gentamicin (CN), Cefuroxime (CXM), Ceftriaxone (CTR)
and Amoxcillin Clavulanate (AM). Urine samples were obtained from thirty (30)
randomly selected female students residing in two (2) female hostels located within the
main campus of a private university in Benin City, Edo State. The heterotrophic
bacterial count on Nutrient agar and Blood agar plates for the urine samples varied from
5 cfu to 263 cfu and 2 cfu to 220 cfu respectively. The observed difference between
the urine derived bacterial counts was statistically significant (p<0.05). The differential
bacterial counts on CLED plates varied from 1 cfu to 240 cfu. Five (5) bacterial isolates
were identified from the urine samples and these isolates included; Staphylococcus
aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella sp. and Proteus sp.
Aside from the S. aureus (U15), all the respective urine derived bacterial cultures
exhibited susceptibility towards ciprofloxacin. All the bacterial strains were resistant to
cloxacillin. S. aureus (US18) and Klebsiella sp. (U29) had maximal MAR value while
S. aureus (U20) had the lowest MAR index value. The occurrence of female cases of
asymptomatic bacteriuria within the relatively small population sub set should be
reported to the relevant health care authorities within the institution for necessary action.

KEYWORDS: Disc diffusion, Urine, Female, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, Antibiotic disc

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The spread of antibiotic resistance genes among foodborne pathogens and increasing
number of cases of foodborne diseases is a threat to public health. In this study,
bacteriological quality assessment of eighteen randomly sampled ready-to-eat rice
wrapped with cellophane and leaf (Thaumatococcus daniellii) obtained from Okhra,
Santana and Oba markets were carried out using Standard microbiological methods. The
antibiotic resistance profile of bacterial isolates from the samples were tested using eleven
commonly used antibiotics; detection of antibiotic resistant genes involved the use of
Molecular methods. Total aerobic plate count, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcal plate
count of the leaf-wrapped samples(LWS) is within the range of 5.38-5.56, 5.0-5.87 and 3.66-
5.08 log10CFU/g while the corresponding values for cellophane-wrapped samples (CWS)
is 4.9-5.26, 4.46-7.15 and 4.26-5.65 log10CFU/g, respectively.Percentage occurrence of
bacterial isolates from LWS include Staphylococcus aureus (21.66%), Klebsiella sp. (15
%), E. coli (43.34 %) and Bacillus cereus(20%) while the corresponding values were 20.4,
8.16, 44.8 and 10.2 % for CWS, respectively.Pseudomonas sp. (16.44 %) occurred only in
the rice samples wrapped with cellophane. All the isolates demonstrated antibiotic
resistance to ceftazidime, augmentin, cloxacillin, erythromycin and ceftriaxone.
Aminoglycoside resistant genes- aac(6) and ant(4) were detected in the isolates. Biofilm
forming activity involved 37.29 % and 31.71 % of the isolates from LWS and CWS,
respectively.Consumption of RTE rice sold in the three markets could result in abdominal
pain, vomiting, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, dysentery and pneumonia. More worrisome is the
fact that some of the antibiotics might not provide effective treatment against food-borne
illness caused by the bacteria isolated from the samples. Therefore, regular monitoring of
food vendors by relevant agencies, implementation of good manufacturing practices
(GMPs), and increase in level of public awareness on food safety and health implications
associated with indiscriminate use of antibiotics are recommended.
KEYWORDS: Thaumatococcus daniellii, Food safety, Foodborne illnesses, Biofilm

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A biometric identification system is majorly using in fingerprint identity system, this system helps to manage students’ class attendance problem. Student Identity management in class attendance is a major problem to most institutions of learning. An efficient and reliable way to curb students’ absenteeism from classroom lectures is using a fingerprint biometric attendance system. This paper is aimed at proposing and
automating the conventional attendance system and generating report spontaneously at the end of each class or specific duration. This paper also presents a unique means of identity control of students’ attendance using a Fingerprint Identity Management System; it records a day to day attendance of students in class by using their fingerprints. In the design approach, a use case was adopted in other to ensure that the system could
properly identify, and organized the system requirement. The system was developed using Microsoft visual basic and Microsoft SQL, in developing the database and the graphical user interface, extreme programming (XP) was use. This system is exceptional as it identifies each student and prevents impersonation in class work; it shows the number times a students attended class and allows such students to write examination.
The report generated could be sent to parents/guardians in other for them to know how their ward regularly attends classes.

Keywords: Identity management, Fingerprint, Attendance, Biometric, Identification

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This study investigated the physicochemical quality and Vibrio abundance of abattoir effluent discharged into the Ikpoba River, Benin City, Nigeria with a view to determining its possible environmental and public health potentials. Physico-chemical (pH, temperature, turbidity, sulphate, nitrate, phosphate, BOD, TSS, and TDS), microbiological (E. coli, coliforms and Vibrio) and antibiogram analyses were conducted (using standard methods) on water samples and isolates from the abattoir effluent and its receiving Ikpoba River weekly for six weeks. The mean pH, temperature, sulphate and nitrate concentrations of the water samples fell within permissible limits while other physicochemical parameters such as turbidity, phosphate,
BOD, TSS and TDS did not. Total heterotrophic bacterial counts ranged between 1.1×103±0.28 cfu/mL and 1.95×106±48 cfu/mL; mean E. coli counts varied from 0.0 to 4.9×105±4.9cfu/mL; and coliform counts ranged from 0.0 to 1.2×106±28 cfu/mL; while Vibrio density varied between 0.0 and 1.51×106±70 cfu/mL. Of the 50 selected presumptive Vibrio isolates, 9(18%) were confirmed as Vibrio spp.; 2 (22.2%) as V. Vulnificus and 3(33.3%) as V. paraheamolyticus using PCR techniques. The Vibrio isolates were resistant to oxacillin (96%), vancomycin (90%), amoxicillin (70%) and tetracycline (40%). The study demonstrated that the abattoir effluents compromised the physicochemical and microbiological qualities of the Ikpoba River and therefore portends serious environmental and public health risks.

Keywords: Abattoir effluent, physicochemical quality, Vibrio, Public health, River water

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A virtual learning system is a cost-effective management platform that is geared toward knowledge based acquisition with multiple user interaction. Virtual learning system is prompted by its flexibility and robustness that synchronizes various learning methodologies into a unified outcome of operations. Whereas the conventional learning scheme is restricted to physical learning system, and by the emergence of COVID19 pandemic this has challenged the process of learning due to the COVID protocol. In this paper, we give a review of virtual learning system as an evolving technology embedded with the frontiers of knowledge in a changing educational environment. In addition, the benefit and opportunities offered by the virtual learning system are enormous in educational system as it provides a robust platform for users. We also discuss some design approach, benefit of virtual learning system and challenges associated with online learning, significance of virtual learning, opportunities, and analysis of e-learning
modes in the time of crisis. We also discuss some design approach, benefit of virtual learning system. We shall also discuss EdTech in times of pandemic, natural disasters and how it can help academic institutions to deal with challenges associated with online learning.

Keywords:Technology, Virtual Learning, Robust, Synchronous, scheme, Platform
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In recent years, the utilization of reliability tests and results in decision-making processes in radio system networks have grown considerably. One of the most largely used statistical tools for lifetime distributional analysis and reliability estimation of engineering system is the Weibull distribution model. This is due to its exceptionally high tractability. As the Weibull distribution embroils transcendent equations,
determining its parameters’ fitting is also somewhat a demanding task. This research work aims to comparatively investigate and quantify the effect of a two-parameter (2P) and a three-parameter (3P) Weibull distribution functions on radio system networks reliability performance estimation. To accomplish that, life signal data acquired over the LTE broadband network interface is explored for the quantitative analysis. For the
purpose of best model selection, both distributions were subjected to three goodness-of-fit (GoF) statistical tests, which are the Anderson–Darling, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, and Chi-Square tests. Based on the three statistical tests, it was found that the 3P Weibull distribution achieved the best reliability quantification and failure estimation performance in all the study locations. The results offer a concrete groundwork and
framework for conducting better research in parametric modelling, estimation and analysis in future radio networks.

Keywords: Radio networks, Distributional modeling, 3P Weibull model, Failure rate, Reliability
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Biometric is an electronic device for detecting and recording a person’s unique physical and other traits or system as a means of confirming an individuals’ identity. It is also use to identify physical and biological characteristics of an individual. In this paper, a biometric which uses a facial recognition method in the software development is developed. A face recognition system is a computer application capable of recognizing or verifying a person from a video frame from a video source is employed. This system eliminates errors in the manual method of students’ class attendance. Identification is chosen due to its enviable features over the traditional method which is time consuming, error prone, missing sheet and damage, which fosters laziness on the part of students, nonchalance attitude to classroom learning activities, students lecture skipping which may likely prevent students from good academic performance. In this paper we employ a computerized facial recognition attendance monitoring technique which will enable the department to properly ascertain the academic strength of each student in terms of student regularity to classroom lectures and commitment to classroom learning, and generate reliable student attendance report stored in a secured database. The software was developed using Visual Basic.Net which connects the text field to database and MySQL was used for the database design.

Keywords: Biometric, Facial recognition, Manual method, Identity, Attendance
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Predictive trend pattern studies using robust adaptive regression methods remained an important step towards assessing and revealing the prognostic connections between different variables in real-time observations. In this work, a polynomial regression technique scaled with wavelet transform is proposed to model and investigate coronavirus epidemic trend rate in Nigeria. Various statistical tests employed to ascertain if the proposed regression modeling and estimation approach is satisfactory are also contained in the wok. The resultant statistical outcome shows that the fifth
degree polynomial model with joint discrete wavelet transform scheme is the most appropriate regression method to model and estimate the Coronavirus epidemic data trend rate. The results obtained using the ordinary polynomial regression models are also provided as performance benchmarks.

Keywords: Adaptive regression, Polynomial, Wavelet transform, Coronavirus, Trend estimation
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Plantain is an important food source in Nigeria, and could also be a source of human exposure to microbial toxins, particularly aflatoxin. The current study was therefore aimed at investigating the nutritional, mycoflora and aflatoxin contents of raw and sundried plantain. Total heterotrophic fungi count, enumeration and identification of aflatoxigenic fungi were done using established microbiological procedures. Mineral
analysis was done using Jenway digital flame photometer, aflatoxin was detected using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The total heterotrophic fungi count recorded for the raw plantain (day 1) was 1.40 ± 0.20 x 105 Cfu/g while sundried plantain flour ranged from 2.40 ± 0.10 x 105 Cfu/g (day 1) to 12.50 ± 0.50 x 105 Cfu/g (day 5). Proximate analysis showed that the raw plantain contained 52.67% moisture, 2.40% ash, 2.30% fat and oil, 0.80% crude fibre, 2.54% crude protein and 39.23% carbohydrates while sundried plantain recorded 26.67% moisture, 3.17 % ash, 0.12 %
fat, 5.40% crude protein, 2.01% crude fibre, and 64.63% carbohydrate. Raw plantain recorded the following minerals content 0.28 ppm phosphorous, 1.34 ppm sodium, 104.25 ppm potassium, 0.36 ppm calcium, 5.67 ppm iron and 6 ppm magnesium. Sundried recorded 0.35 ppm phosphorous, 1.42 ppm sodium, 106.20 ppm potassium, 0.10 ppm calcium, 5.00 ppm iron and 0.80 ppm magnesium. Fourty (40) fungi isolates were reported, with the frequency of occurrence and percentage distribution as follows; Aspergillus niger 8 (12.50%), Aspergillus flavus 6 (9.40%), other Aspergillus species. 6 (9.40%), Penicillium sp. 7 (11.00%), Rhizopus spp. 6 (9.40%) Mucor spp 11(17.20%) Trichoderma spp10 (15.60%) and Alternaria spp 10 (15.60%). Aflatoxin analysis revealed that both sundried and raw plantain recorded very low total aflatoxin level and the aflatoxin B1 and B2 levels were below the limit of detection. The presence of aflatoxin in the sundried plantain flour does not pose any potential health risk to consumers as it was below the maximum permissible limit of 20 ppb.

Keywords: Aflatoxin, Plantain, Fungi, Aspergillus
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