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In this study, the antidiabetic activities of the aqueous extracts of Veronia amygdalina
(VA) and Dacryodes edulis (DE) leaves and their combined extracts (VA+DE) were
examined. Thirty-six adult male Wistar rats were used in the study with 6 rats in each
group. Specifically, group 1 (normal control) rats were received only the vehicle. The
remaining groups (groups 2 to 6) were administered alloxan (150 mg/kg; i.p.) to induce
diabetes and thereafter treated as follows: Group 2 animals were left diabetic but
received only the vehicle (negative control), Group 3 were treated with metformin
(positive control) at 200 mg/kg body weight while groups 4, 5 and 6 received (p.o.)
300mg/kg of DE, VA and VA+DE, respectively for two weeks. Phenolic acids, tannins,
saponins, fixed fat and oil, and flavonoids were more visible in the VA extract while the
DE extract showed more alkaloids, proteins, phlobatannins. Administration of the
extracts and their combination or metformin to the diabetic rats resulted in significant
(p < 0.05) reductions in blood glucose, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels compared to the negative control. Significant (p < 0.05) increase in serum total protein and marked reduction in liver and kidney function indices were recorded in the extracts (VA, DE, VA+DE) and the metformin treated diabetic rats in comparison to negative control. The results of this study revealed that V. amygdalina and D. edulis contained some biologically active compounds that may be efficacious in the management of diabetes mellitus. KEYWORDS:Antidiabetic potential, phytochemical screening, Vernonia
amygdalina, Dacryodes edulis, Metformin

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Monkeypox (MPX) is a viral zoonosis that mostly prevalent in tropical rainforests of
Central and West Africa and can also be found in other parts of the world. Only three
(3) cases have been documented in Nigeria before 2017, with the first occurrence being
in 1971. There have been 558 suspected cases reported from 32 states from 2017-2022.
In 22 states, 241 (43.2%) of the reported cases have been confirmed. However, between
September 2017 and April 30th, 2022, eight (8) deaths (CFR= 3.3%) were reported in
six states. MPXV is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions,
body fluids, respiratory secretions and infected materials such as bedding. Common
symptoms are fever, rash, and enlarged lymph nodes, which can lead to a variety of
medical conditions. The incubation period lasts 7–14 days on average. MPX has a
similar clinical presentation to smallpox. Since Nigeria is a resource-poor country with
inadequate infrastructure, technical skills, and training, laboratory diagnosis, along
with prevention and management of MPX infection, remains difficult in Nigeria.
Vaccines used during the smallpox eradication programme, however, still provide
protection against MPX. The MPXV potential to mutate, it is possible bioweapons
threat, and its re-emergence in Nigeria all add to the urgency of better understanding
the symptoms and prevention of MPX infection.

KEYWORDS: Monkeypox, Smallpox, Infection, Monkeypox virus, Nigeria

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An Advancement into location-based trajectories has become focal point in research
community and researchers who never saw the need before now have come to the reality
of the enormous benefits associated with space technology. One aspect of Space
technology that have changed goofy state of the society is the Global Positioning System
(GPS) designed and launched by the United State Department of Defense in 1973. The
idea behind the technology was basically reserved for the military use but as technology
and computing power evolves, unprecedentedly, research area such as mobility
trajectories prediction human proximity management etc. have now opened a new scope
for research exploration. One of the key factors that has changed this aspect of research
is the availability of the GPS function in most handheld devices or smart phones. The
embedded features as seen in most smart phones today is use to collect human mobility
trajectory data which researchers have now seen as ample opportunity to approximately
calculate through different algorithm the most likely place to be visited. Human mobility
trajectories and proximity algorithm management is indeed an interesting area in

trajectory prediction. As the search by researchers on the best trajectory prediction-
based location algorithm continues little attention is being given to the multi-factor

synergy of the current prediction algorithms. This paper provides a crystalized
classification of different algorithms used in the realization of proximity trajectories
prediction and explained the conceptual sequence of the divergent approach to human
mobility trajectory location.

KEYWORDS: Trajectory, Location, Mobility, Proximity, prediction, Markov Chain

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Population growth, industrialization and agriculture are increasingly and adversely
impacting on freshwater bodies, thereby putting a strain on available drinking water
sources especially in the rural areas. Physicochemical parameters of Mbaa Stream,
Ngugo, Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State was assessed to determine its
suitability for drinking and other domestic uses. The study was carried in 3 stations
between April and June 2017 using standard analytical methods. A total of 9 parameters
(pH, temperature, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen
demand, nitrate, alkalinity and electrical conductivity) were assessed. The values
recorded were as follows: pH (5.4 – 5.9), temperature (27.0 – 31.0 oC), total dissolved
solids (4.8 – 24.7 mg/l), electrical conductivity (10.5 – 49.0 μS/cm), dissolved oxygen
(6.6 – 8.0 mg/l), biochemical oxygen demand (2.4 – 3.5 mg/l), nitrate (3.7- 32.0 mg/l)
and alkalinity (4.1 and 28.0 mg/l). The study showed that all the parameters assessed
were within acceptable limits except pH. The physicochemical parameters were
influenced by geology, season and anthropogenic factors. Based on pH and health
issues associated with prolong intake of acidic waters, the water is not fit for human

KEYWORDS: Stream, Physicochemical, Health, Drinking water

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The study examined the problems of small-scale catfish farmers in Benin metropolis,
Edo state, Nigeria. Random sampling and snow-balling techniques were adopted to
select 90 respondents from selected locations in the study area. Well-structured
questionnaire and interview schedules were used to gather primary data from the
respondents. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics such as
frequency counts, tables, means and graphs. The results showed that small-scale catfish
farming in Benin metropolis is predominantly a male activity with mean age of 54 years.
Majority (86.20%) of the respondents were married and had over 10 years of catfish
farming experience. A good number (75%) of the small-scale fish farmers in the study
area utilized concrete tanks as their production units and sourced fingerlings from other
farms. Majority (60%) of the fish farmers stocked between 1000 and 2000 fingerlings.
The predominant problem they encountered in the process of production include lack of
capital, scarcity of brooding stock, high cost of feeding, inadequate water supply, high
mortality rate, epileptic power supply and theft. It was therefore recommended that
younger folks who are more energetic should be encouraged to go into catfish farming
and should also be encouraged to form cooperative societies so as to tackle the problem
associated with capital and high cost of feed and other inputs.

KEYWORDS: Catfish, Problems and small-scale

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The potentials of grass species Cenchrus bilforus and Chrysopogon aciculatus to
remediate waste engine oil polluted soil was investigated. Waste engine oil was added
to four (4) kg soil samples at different concentrations on weight basis: 0% (control),
3%, 6% and 9% v/w oil-in-soil and allowed to stand for seven days before transplanting.
They were three replicates. The plants were harvested after 8 weeks. The dried plants
and the soil samples on which they were grown were analysed for four heavy metals,
Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), Iron (Fe) and Arsenic (As). Results showed that there
was reduced mean percentage reductions in the heavy metal contents of the soils.
Cenchrus bilforus and C. aciculatus showed maximum reductions of 110.6% and
209.4% for Pb. The shoots and roots of the grass species showed reduced heavy metal
accumulation while soil showed increased heavy metal accumulation. C. biflorus
showed maximum accumulation of Cr (0.05mg/kg), Cd (0.05mg/kg), As (0.22mg/kg) in
the soil and maximum accumulation of Fe (10.13mg/kg) in the shoot. while C.
aciculatus showed maximum accumulation of Cr (0.15mg/kg), Cd (0.09mg/kg) in the
soil and maximum accumulation of Fe (10.9mg/kg) in the shoot and As (0.22mg/kg) in
the root. General observation showed low concentrations of these metals in the roots
and shoots when compared to the soil of the plant species. In order words the two grass
species studied could not be recommended for phytoremediation of waste engine oil
contaminated soil.

KEYWORDS: C. bilforus, C. aciculatus, Potentials, Polluted soil, Remediate

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Malaria is a major public health problem, and the alarming speed of drug resistance
and limited number of effective drugs now available underlines how important it is to
discover new antimalarial compounds. This work investigated the antimalarial efficacy
of the combined methanol leaf extracts of Dacryodes edulis and Funtumia elastica. The
two plant leaves were extracted separately with methanol and tested for their
antimalarial activity against chloroquine (CQ) – sensitive strain of Plasmodium berghei
(NK-65) infected mice. Through oral administration of the extracts (250, 500, 1000
mg/kg bwt), their antiplasmodial activities were screened using the 5-day curative test.
The combined leaf extracts showed moderate antiplasmodial effects at the different
doses. Hematological indices were normalized in the groups of mice infected and
treated with the combined leaf extracts. The result suggests that the combined methanol
leaf extracts of Dacryodes edulis and Funtumia elastica possess moderate
antiplasmodial activity. The study justifies local claims on the efficacy of these plant
leaves in the treatment of malaria.

KEYWORDS: Malaria, Plasmodium beghei, Dacryodes edulis, Funtumia elastica, antiplasmodial

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The principal impact of deforestation on chemical and nutritional properties is related
to a decrease in organic matter content of the soil and to disruption in nutrient cycling
mechanisms owing to removal of deep-rooted trees. This study was carried out to
evaluate some soil physical properties at Iguzama community land in Ovia North East
local government area of Edo State, Nigeria. Core and routine samples were collected
from existing Profiles in 115.5 hectares land that has been mapped which are
representatives of the various soil types present in the study area. Standard procedures
were used in determining some soil chemical properties. Results showed that Profile 1,
covering 19.35 hectares was classified as Loamy Kaolinitic Isohyperthermic Rhodic
Kandiudults, Profile 2, covering 18.35 hectares was Sandy Kaolinitic Isohyperthermic
Arenic Rhodic Kandiudults, Profile 3, covering 27.5 hectares was Loamy Kaolinitic
Isohyperthermic Rhodic Kandiudults while Profile 4, covering 50.34 hectares was
Loamy Kaolinitic Isohyperthermic Typic Rhbodudult. Across the four Profiles, Profile
2 (18.35 ha) had the highest mean values for pH, available phosphorus, percentage
base saturation, exchangeable calcium,megnesium and sodium while profile 1 (19.35
ha) had the lowest mean values for pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECCE),
percentage base saturation, exchangeable calcium, magnesium and sodium.
Conclusively, the fertility status were moderately okay based on the soil characteristics
observed and profile 2 had the best soil chemical properties and is suitable for
community crops like maize, cassava, okro, vegetables, pepper, tomatoe, yam and oil
palm production.

KEYWORDS: Rhodic, Isohyperthermic, Typic, Arenic, Profile

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The need to provide superb user experience in terms of packet switch multimedia data
communication was the key reason for evolving mobile broad cellular radio network
technologies such as the universal mobile telecommunication systems (UMTS), High
speed packet access (HSPA) and Long Term Evolution (LTE). Particularly, the LTE
was developed to supports data transmission speed up to 300 Mbps and 75 Mbps in
downlink and uplink, respectively, utilizing a robust multiplexing technique. The
multiplexing technique is termed the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM). For mobile radio networks operators to maintain high operability around the
ever increasing and demanding subscribers, periodic evaluation, quantitative
estimation and analysis of network performance integrity is pivotal. A key parameter to
access the LTE network integrity is the throughput. In this work, with the help of Ascon
based telephone mobile telephone mobile software tools, a realistic empirical based
investigation technique has been engaged to investigate the impact of cell coverage and
signal power on LTE user throughput performance over PDCP, RLC and PDSCH
layers. The Ascon based telephone mobile software investigation tools provided us a
good means of investigating and reporting an in-depth service quality performance
around the studied operational cellular LTE broadband networks in typical urban

KEYWORDS: Cell coverage, Signal Power, Throughput, LTE, Mobile Broadband network, Urban microcell

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